Monday, December 8, 2008

On the Eighth Day Of Christmas

Today we (finally) pulled out our family star. I purchased it from a dear colleague of mine before I even had kids. I fell in love with the whole theme. The star, as you can see, is on a stick with a poem attached. We use it throughout December to do secretive good deeds for family members living in our home. Once the person who has the star does something for any person, he/she lays the star on the pillow of the new recipient and the cycle continues every day. There are a lot of happy people in our home with the star. It’s so fun to be a “giver”, not expecting anything, not even a thank you, in return.

I came across a new book this year that just enhanced this tradition even more. It’s called, Christmas Day in the Morning. It’s beautiful and even brought tears to Jon’s eyes! It’s a must read every year in our home, talking about selfless giving and what a true gift it is, not only to the receiver but even to the giver!

(Jon made these stars last year for me to sell as part of my craft boutique. If anyone is interested, I can see if we have any extras around here or if he’ll make more. They are awesome for your home and make very special gifts. These were a huge hit to so many, I sold a lot of them which delights me knowing there are other families doing this thoughtful tradition!)

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