Thursday, November 27, 2008


I’m pondering the words of “Thankfulness” today and have many things floating in my mind.

Thankfulness has little to do with what I own.

Being thankful is when I look into my life, at the blessings that I have been bestowed, and I take the time to cultivate a grateful heart.

It’s when I offer up thanksgiving for my needs being met, more than most fanciful desires.

Being thankful creates a compassionate heart, and helps one realize that nothing that we have is ours alone.

I heard once, “The bread that is spoiling in your house belongs to the hungry. The shoes that are mildewing under your bed belong to those who have none. The clothes stored away in your trunk belong to those who are naked. The money that depreciates in your treasury belongs to the poor.”

My prayer this Thanksgiving is that this day will be more than a holiday.

That it will be a way of life that I sincerely live and teach my children to.

That in being thankful we will gain a new perspective, giving us a tender heart and an ability to see the needs of others whether they ask or not, and the courage to reach out, expecting nothing in return.

"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever." Psalm 118

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