Monday, April 28, 2008


Another fun Family Fun Night in our home, you should join us sometime. Tonight's exciting activity was, Sardines. Have you ever played? You need a somewhat dark home and adventurous kids and parents that like to play something similar to hide and seek.

Here's how you play...Turn out all the lights in the house. The person that is "it" goes and hides - similar to hide-n-seek, while the others are outdoors (like us on the front porch). Everyone outside counts slowly to 100 (we did the ABC's instead). When one round of the abc's is done one person is released to go inside the home to find the "it". But when he/she does find "it" they hide with him/her. Person two, three, four, etc. comes into the home one by one, with the goal of finding (then hiding with) "It" until the whole family is hiding together. Sometimes there are many people in the home “looking” at the same time (just not “together”). Just remember, it does need to be pretty dark in order to work since the hiding areas need to be pretty "open"/large enough to hold a whole group of hiding, sneaky people!

As always in our "hiding games", Owen amazes us. He can stay hidden and still for a very long period of time. Tonight he lasted in one spot without a peep for over 20 minutes! I wonder what that says about his personality as he grows up. I don't think I'll read into it.

1 comment:

Lori said...

This sounds like a great game. We will have to try it sometime!