Monday, March 3, 2008

Nathan and Owen love Rachup! Do you?

Without hesitation over dinner tonight, Nathan mentioned, "Daddy, I just love Rachup!" Jon made some acknowledgement of his son's comment but really didn't let our five-year-olds words penetrate in his mind. I just had to giggle and sit in awe of Nathan's latest invention. Rachup was Nathan's creation on his plate, Hidden Valley Ranch and Heinz ketchup mixed together, a dip for his barbeque chicken dinner. He had made it before, but today is when it birthed a name. Although I'm not a fan (I did try it), I'm sure Nathan's on to something. I think many kids would LOVE that concoction to be marketed. Our dilemma now…how would the commercial jingle go? Go ahead, give it a try, help us out.

1 comment:

The Mrs. said...

Our kids.. and myself included... love it with french fries!!! Yummy! Great name Nathan!!