Monday, June 23, 2008

Memorial Garage Sale

For two weekends, I ran a garage sale to raise money for a memorial bench at Cosmo’s Park in my brother John’s name. It’s been almost a year in the making. When we found out last July the cost was going to be $1,200 we knew it would take a lot of help. It seemed almost impossible, yet I knew in my heart “What is impossible with man is possible with God!” Luke 18:27. I began praying, asking God how in the world He was going to get this money into a fund and then he answered…G-A-R-A-G-E S-A-L-E! Knowing the answer, I sent out an email to local friends and family and the generous donations of items to sell in the garage sale began pouring in! Seriously…it was amazing! Today we went to the bank to deposit the earnings, our total…$1,900! Not only will I be able to buy the bench this week, I will also be able to help out with the cost of the burial in California sometime soon. Praise God.

For those that donated, thank you! May the Lord bless you for blessing us too abundantly!

For April and Mrs. Charlotte, thank you for agonizing in my garage for hours upon hours, pricing things with me as the high temperatures were 110+!

I get to have 28 characters per slat (and I have two slats). I’d love suggestions from everyone on what to put on this permanent bench for all to see. It has to be special!

1 comment:

Debbie Bower said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! What an answer to prayer. I love the idea of the memory bench. I will be thinking of something you can put on it... I know you will not fall short of 'special'!

I am so happy for you, my friend!