Friday, October 2, 2009

Sor-e (sorry)

UGH!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s becoming habit and oh so frustrating to me and today it happened again! I’m trying to keep my cool and be a good mom explaining the “why” behind my reasonable expectation to Nathan but I’m about to lose it.


Nathan has been coming home from school with his lunch completely untouched for awhile now. Zilch, zero, nil! It’s not like I don’t pack him food he doesn’t like. It’s not that I’m even stuffing his tummy to the brink of explosion at breakfast time. And it’s certainly not that he’s choosing recess over eating since ‘lunchtime’ happens in the classroom with his school program. How is he supposed to have energy and concentration to get through the day, the poor kid? No wonder he’s famished when he comes home and is ready to eat an elephant and a half at dinner!

Ugh…it’s driving me crazy.

I guess sweet Nathan knew his mommy was disappointed and took it to heart because this is what I got a little after the afternoon lunchbox discovery…
I just love inventive spelling. It’s one of the most precious things about this age! This one’s a keeper; it has such a story behind it to tell to his kids and his kids’ kids.

Ahh, I think I feel better!
Thank you Nathan!
I sure do love matter what!

(For those that need translation: Sorry for not eating my lunch.)


RooFresh said...

This is soooo cute! He's smart, he knew you were worried! My mom gave us a box with ALL of my old stuff from when I was a kid, including old journals from when I was 6 and 7. Jim loved deciphering my spelling, "majishian" instead of magician. :) Keep it around-his future wife may love it!

Kaboom Fam 123 said...

Wow love your blog ! you have a really nice family!