Sunday, June 14, 2009

Chapter Four...Channel Islands Vacation...A Song & My LORD

One of my favorite sites to look at in the entire world is the sun setting on the ocean. I could do it nightly and it would never grow old or mundane. As I was snapping this shot enjoying the vast of the waters ahead and the magnificent colors of the sky, the lyrics to “Ocean” by Ten Shekel Shirt came to mind and I couldn’t help but sing it to my precious, remarkable Creator and Lord…

Lately, I've been thinking about You
And lately, I've been dreaming of You
And lately, I can't get You out of my head
Get You out of my head

There's something about the ocean
Makes me rise up and praise
Something about the heavens
Makes me stand in awe again
Something about the sunrise
Reminds me of Your faithfulness
Something about the ocean
And I'm lost in love again

I'll sing until I sense a smile
Upon Your great and lovely face
And till I know Your glory's in this place
Your glory's in this place

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